02 October, 2007

Changes in manners

Relationships between the young and the elderly have changed in Finland during the past 50 years. A quick look into newspapers’ 'have a say' section gives an impression of youth and the elderly being on the warpath. Both are claiming to have been mistreated by the other. So, what seems to be the problem?

First of all, old people think that the young aren’t as polite as they used to be back in the good old days; they don’t open the doors, give their seats on public transportation or even speak politely to older people. Secondly, youth states the elderly are impatient and rude. Wherever old people go, they want to be first going in or out and don’t mind cheating in queues.

However, relationships between these two groups have obviously changed, but most people still enjoy the enrichment another generation can bring to their lives.