06 November, 2007

Ready, steady... GO!

Finland has become a home of strange world championship events. Many weird international competitions, like mobile-phone throwing, swamp soccer, kissing and pea-eating, are held there every year. Last summer the 11th Wife-Carrying World Championships took place at Sonkajärvi, Middle-Finland.

The history of the contest, mentioned last, starts from the 19th century, when sturdy men rode to the nearest villages and ran away with the local women. Now days the rules states that the wife can be your own or someone else’s, as long as she is over 17 years old. The winner(s) of 250 metres long track is awarded with enough beer to equal the wife’s weight.

The reputation of Finnish people being a bit serious is about to change, hence there are journalists from European-wide media around, waiting for some delicious news bites.

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