28 August, 2007

Class Report

In our class, there are several nationalities among 21 students. Most of us come from Asian countries like China (6), Korea (6), Taiwan (2) and one from Japan (1); a few come from Africa (two Ethiopians, one Somali) and Oceania (one Tongan, one Samoan) and one from Europe: Finland.

Currently most of our classmates have permanent residency and a few of us are either citizens or international students.

As in our class is a great variety of different origins, the list of different hobbies is quite long, and here are some of them: someone plays computer games and another goes to church; most of us listen to music and some of us like reading books.

This was only a small glimpse of what kind of people we have in our class. I’m looking forward to learning more of my classmates’ history – and why not the present. Cheers…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.